Actor of the II category
Education: 2003-2007g. The Karaganda State university of E.A.Buketova "Cultural science"
List of roles: more than 40 roles are played
"Ball of thieves", role – lord Edgar, Temirta theater for children and youth;
"Chipolino's adventure", role – the senhoras Parsley, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Khan", a role – Bekbolat, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"There lived the Russula", a role – the Saffron milk cap, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Two Baba-yaga", role – smith Feodor, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Fedorino a grief", a role – the Cockroach, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"My lovely ghost", role – the Robber, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Very simple history", role – Alexey, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Tartyuf", a role – the Officer, Temirtau theater for children and youth;
"Scraps on zakoulochka", a role – the Rooster, Temirtauteatr for children and youth.