Actress of the highest category
1996-1999, the Karaganda college of arts of Tattimbeta, the director of the mass dramatized representations
2002-2006, Ekaterinburg state theatrical institute, actor of drama theater and cinema
List of roles: more than 40 roles are played
at theater:
"Boeing Boeing", role – Mary, Temirtau theater for children and youth, 2010;
"Very simple history", role – the Horse the sister, Temirtau theater for children and youth, 2009;
"Medea", role – the Old woman, Temirtau theater for children and youth, 2003;
"It and eight women", a role – Gaby, Temirtau theater for children and youth, 2006;
"Dear Pamela", a role – Pamela, Temirtau theater for children and youth, 2004;
"Hole", role – the Faith, Temirtau theater for children and youth, 2007;
at cinema:
"Time dust", cut. T.Angelopolus
Involvement in festivals:
XV Republican theatrical festival, Astana, fairy tale "Cyan Ringlet", role – Akulina
World Eyes of Children festival, Karaganda, fairy tale "Two Friends", role – Crow